Unlock His Power Inside Of You
Recently, I had a dream that upon awakening, I knew was very important. In the dream, I was offering two grieving women warm soup to comfort them. I was looking so deep into their eyes that I could feel the fire of God’s merciful love flowing unhindered from Him, through me, and into the women. I could literally feel His compassion and comfort pouring through me in a way I have never experienced before. His love so purely swept through me and into their hurting hearts in waves of mercy, compassion and comfort.
What felt different to me in this dream was the purity with which the Lord poured His compassion through me. Nothing in me hindered the flow of His love. In the dream, I didn't struggle with wondering if what I was feeling was my own, nor did His love for them get tangled up in my heart with my own thoughts and feelings. He. Simply. Flowed.
What God revealed to me in the coming days after that dream, was that He has used the surrendering of my own pain and grief to usher in His presence to those who are hurting themselves. Oftentimes, it is in the very place we have struggled the most that, when given to Him, He will draw others to Him. And it is this surrender which prepares us to be a more pure conduit to usher in His authority in the area of our anointing. The recent nights full of flashbacks and grief became indicators of His hand of healing on my own heart. The Lord knew deeper levels of healing were needed in order for His love to fully flow through me unhindered and unrestrained.
Surrender prepares us to be a more pure conduit to usher in His authority in the area of our anointing.
Then, in a way that only the Lord can speak…the most swirly, roundy, and weavy of ways… He reminded me of something He said to me months before. He had told me the path forward would be hard and costly–not because of the pain my pursuit would bring, but rather because giving up the last bits of my grief and pain to Him- truly surrendering it all to Him- would be very difficult. He knew this and yet He asked. At that time, I told him I was not ready, that I was scared but would let Him know when I was ready. Sometimes giving up even the yucky parts of ourselves feels like giving up everything we are. Honestly, It felt like without all the pain and grief, there would be nothing left of me. I would simply cease to exist. I could not fathom why He would ask me to give Him the last ounces of the very thing which I believed helped me have such compassion on others who were hurting.
And that night another dream came right on cue: I was being pushed forward by well intentioned helpers to which I replied, “No! This is not right! God said I had to surrender in order to move forward!” I ran back to the beginning from where they had pushed me to wait on the Lord’s direction. In daylight hours, I knew the lord was communicating the role of surrender in my life and ministry. Days and months passed until one day He showed me that I was stepping into a new place with Him. He spoke over me that even though what I was doing might not look different to the world, I had come into a new place with Him. And as I yielded my own wounded heart to Him, He placed an authority over my anointing to bring comfort to the hurting. The Lord had worked this out in me over several months. It required no striving or trying but rather a simple willingness to listen, love and obey.
You see, authority does not have to look big or loud or ostentatious. Authority can look like compassionate love and a mercy-filled heart. Authority can look like you! It can look like the very ways that God has created you to touch the world! Surrender holds an important key to unlocking His power through you. It is this humble posture of your heart which yields fertile ground for the lord to grow who you are in the truest sense. Whatever he has anointed you for, He will give you the authority to walk in- to carry it through. Feel the rest that promise holds! Your surrendered heart allows him to not only define your anointing but to also usher in the power of His authority right in that very place. It may look small to the world, but it packs a powerful punch in the Kingdom my friend.
“A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in My Father and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” John 14:19-21
The Spirit of the Living God lives inside of you.