Salvation of Love
Salvation of Love
If maybe we could strip off all the layers we have tried so hard to construct to protect our hearts from pain. If maybe we could see all the way through to the deepest recesses of our most tender places. If maybe we could find ourselves lying prostrate and naked before God in a place of raw vulnerability, we would catch a glimpse of our biggest need. Maybe it would be in this place where we would realize these great desires which rise up in us and dictate the very way we come at the world. And just maybe, we would realize that what is keeping us from God is the very thing He wishes to supply.
Underneath the facade and all the many ways we have numbed the pain and made the world work to sustain us, there is a deep, deep need to be loved wired within each of us. When we feel unfulfilled in this place, we try so hard to stuff it full of things to bring comfort, acceptance and love. After a while, as we are left let down and unfulfilled, we seal off our hearts in an attempt to protect ourselves from further pain. And in this place of protection, the very armor we have created to withstand the gale force winds of the world becomes a barrier to the full acceptance of God’s love for us. To truly love God we must fully receive His love for us. Loving God and walking in the fullness of His love is our greatest destiny.
Loving God and walking in the fullness of His love is our greatest destiny.
In this place of deep need for love, it can feel like a tangled mess bringing confusion to our calling and distortion to our relationships. But God is desperate for His children to receive His love. He is as desperate for us to truly know His love as we are to be loved!
It is His love that saves us from dying of heartache.
It is His love that saves us from being shut down for fear that we will look stupid.
It is His love that rushes in like a river of cool waters filling every crevice in our heart–all the little dips and even the deep, gaping holes left by piercing words spoken or evil things done to us.
It is His love that wraps arms of comfort around the pain of death and betrayal and even our own selfish pride.
All of the pain of this world is covered by His self-leveling balm of love.
He saves us by loving us completely. This love raises our broken and dying hearts. And it is this love that tells us who we are and how we are to touch the world as only we can do. His love forgives us for the pain we have caused ourselves and others. His love tells us that He alone can fill our hearts when we cry out, “I just want to be loved.”
His love tells us the arms of men, as well meaning and kind as they are, will never ever truly be enough. For He is the only one who can fully and purely hold us in His arms as all the tears of years and years of need bubble and rise to the surface..
It is His love that closes our eyes to the self perceived judgment of the world and then fixes our sight on Him who is for us in every way. It is His love that fills us so completely that we are able to love those around us with this very love.
He loves completely.
He loves relentlessly.
He loves despite and even when.
Never enough will the arms of those around you be,
But it's the love of God that will set you free.
It is this love that pulls us deeper into all He wants to be for us. And it is this love that pushes us out of our fear, guilt and shame and into our destiny. His love is what enables us to walk into what my friend Eileen calls the “glorious light of our identity.”
His love is the antecedent to these words that flowed through her into so many broken places holding me back. I pray you would not only hear these words for yourself, but that you would fully receive them as you are saved by his boundless love for you:
“It is the time to break up, break down, break through and break out. Break up with fear, guilt, shame, condemnation and negativity. Break down our walls of protection we have built for ourselves. Break through the iron bars that have imprisoned us and break out into the glorious light of our identity, purpose and destiny as ordained in the kingdom.”
May His love bring miraculous healing, breaking the chains that have imprisoned your heart, resulting in a bursting forth of your true identity and destiny in His Kingdom.
“I just want to be loved.”
My love is enough for you.
“I just want to be loved.”
My love is enough for you.
“I just want to be loved.”
My love is enough for you.
“I just want to be loved.”
My love is enough for you.
This is the song of the Salvation of Love.