You are becoming the unadulterated you.
The you not mixed with the world.
The you untainted by what others think of you.
The you unpolluted by opinions or boxes or constraints or expectations.
The you that is so emptied out and so filled up with who He says you are that what flows out of you is pure and powerful and absolute.
Underneath all the layers of trying and striving and making life work, is a you that is real and true and beautiful. You were born to be you. There is a very intentional pattern and blueprint for exactly who you are and all the intentional ways you were made. But somewhere, along the way, unkind words were spoken, or maybe your heart was not held safely, and you began to be just who you needed to be to survive. You began to be who the world needed you to be to feel okay and loved and safe. You did what you needed to do to be accepted where you were rejected and loved where you were left all alone. You worked hard to become this you. And it worked–until deep down a yearning began to rise up from somewhere deep inside. Deep down, you know there must be more. You know there is a freedom that will set you free and, in turn, set the world on fire. You know there is a you inside of you that is fully authentic and who will meet the world in such a precise way that your heart will cry out, “This is what I was made for!”
Stepping into your true identity will enable the pure and unadulterated flow of God through your life and into a world that needs exactly who He made you to be. Piece by piece, the Lord will begin to unravel the layers, such that the true beauty of who you are will begin to glisten just beneath the surface. It is a process of being stripped of anything and everything that is not of the Lord. It is a process where everything of the world falls away so that He may be seen through just who you are.
The kind intention of The Father is to bring you fully into your true identity as His child and legacy. The pain of losing the things which have made the world work for you is fleeting in comparison to the freedom you will find right in the middle of this authenticity. He is looking for those who will choose to surrender to this process of becoming untainted, purified, and authenticated. He is looking for those who will lay down the old in order to usher in the pure and unadulterated move of God right through their hearts. As the things of the earth fall away and you step into who you truly are,, from you will flow streams of living water onto the dry and thirsty lands.
not mixed or diluted with any different or extra elements; complete and absolute.
pure, unmixed, unsullied, untainted, unpolluted, Uncontaminated (Oxford Languages)